Thursday, February 19, 2009

The White Horse

We sat in’t pub and drank our beer
When glass was empty we asked for more
Raised a shout, “Be of good cheer.”
When time was called we locked the door.

When glass was empty we asked for more
Played buzz phizz whizz in the snug
When time was called we locked the door.
Some spilt their drink upon the rug.

Played buzz phizz whizz in the snug
Tom cleaned the painting with a scouring pad
Some spilt their drink upon the rug.
The locals said we must be mad.

Tom cleaned the painting with a scouring pad
Raised a shout, “Be of good cheer.”
The locals said we must be mad.
We sat in’t pub and drank our beer.

Martin Delemare
15th February 2009


Monday, February 02, 2009

Skip Shackle Law

Step out smartly, slam the door.
Engine start, ride up the hill.
Warp those rules, skip shackle law.

Leave wine bottles, peanuts on the floor
Throttle wide, speed for the thrill.
Step out smartly, slam the door.

Escape high tone, harsh words ignore
Wind rush in hair, time to kill.
Warp those rules, skip shackle law.

No job, both status and penny poor.
Lean hard on bend, reckless skill.
Step out smartly, slam the door.

Spirit is free, don’t ask for more.
Keep bike roaring, don’t be still.
Step out smartly, slam the door
Warp those rules, skip shackle law.

Martin Delemare
2nd February 2009


Friday, January 02, 2009

No Job in Boneyard

Wander the lonely boneyard
Speculate upon the dates
Ponder the similar names
Read the poetic eulogies.

Who was that extra name?
Relation? friend? or lover?
All at peace, all quiet
Save for the crow’s raucous call,
Toll of bell in church tower
Rust screech of lych-gate.

So what was their work?
Who the manager?
Who the menial?
All that fret and toil
All lost to worms and soil

No jobs here to see
Just name, just dates
Like a skeletal CV
Etched in stone, tablet hard
But no jobs in our boneyard.

Martin Delemare
30th November 2008
La Tormenta

Still and hot
Hotter still
The land awaits
All falls silent.

Wind stirs the needle pines
Wind cools the stifling air
Dark cloud upon the hill
Black cloud looms above.

Flash across the darkened sky
Trees sway in freshened breeze
Boom of thunder echoes wide.

Spots fall upon the dust
Water upon the arid land.

Electric blue across the sky
Forks reach out, whitening
And with the roar above
Rains the torrent down.

Copyright ©2008
Martin Delemare
23rd August 2008