Tuesday, September 26, 2006


Gatso, oh so yellow!
Prominently watching the
Stripes of white across
The road. You wait.

Gatso, oh so patient!
Silently watching the
Cars pass by below
The trap. You wait.

Gatso, oh so clever!
Endlessly watching for the
Speeding car to roar by
Your post. You flash.

Gatso, oh so efficient!

Martin Delemare
30th November 2004

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amusing poem, Martin!

FYI: I always drive the speed limit... well, since I've "grown up", at least... when I was in my late 20s I got a $120 ticket for driving 17 miles over the speed limit... and I was only making $600 per month as an Americorps volunteer, so that hurt!