Friday, June 22, 2012


Dig it wide, dig it deep,
Extra work for extra cash.
Heft that pick, shoulder that shovel.
Amble through the headstones grey
Watched by heathered hills,
Watched by carrion crows.

Dig it wide, dig it deep,
Extra cash for extra work.
Orders were clear and crystal
But rocks were hard and rough.

Day job called and glue-pot pub.
Time passed, tock ticked off.
Needed work and needed time.
But day arrived not fine
Undertaker inspected and frowned.

Line of weepers wound across
The ancient bone yard toward
Their handicraft covered green.

Words said and soil scattered
Coffin lowered, respectfully slow.
A hitch! All ushered rapidly away.
Anger boiled as diggers were
Summoned back to fresh grave
And angled coffin stuck so fast.
No, not up! Need exhumation order.

Dig it quick, keep it neat.
Extra work to keep the cash.
Standing on the lid they hacked,
They chopped and scraped away
Till at last it slumped
To find its drunken rest,
An idiosyncratic plant.

Thin faced and bulging eyes
Rapid tongue told them plain
No more work, nor cash
Not here nor circle wide,
No graveyards for this pair
Of moonlighting, apprentice diggers.

Martin Delemare
16th May 2007

Extract from "Los Muertos"

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