Friday, August 17, 2012

100 Watt

What no bulbs of a 100 watt?
What no bulbs bright and hot?
This supermarket is no good to me
I want instant light, don’t you see?
No, I don’t want curls.
No, I don’t want swirls.
I want bulbs of a 100 watt
I want bulbs bright and hot.
Not low energy slow murk
Stumbling about like a burk.
I want bulbs of a 100 watt.

I’ll go round to the corner shop
They buy bulbs, not this rot.
No low energy bulbs with mercury
They buy their bulbs from far Turkey.
They buy bulbs by the job lot
They buy bulbs bright and hot.

This supermarket is no good to me.
What no bulbs of a 100 watt?
I want instant light don’t you see.
I want bulbs bright and hot
I want bulbs of a 100 watt.
Martin Delemare
24th November 2011

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