Thursday, October 26, 2006

Flood Tide over the Mudflats

Water creeps across the mud
Water rises up the pole
Slowly as a wet sloth
It creeps up the creeks
Invades the silent reed beds
Pours down the lugworm holes
Causing bubbles to rise, muddy.

Gently lifts the clinker hulls
Stirs the orange buoys
And seeps into the harbour
Walls, covering barnacles
And limpets on the piles.

Frothy line rolls over
The mudflats filling hollows
Climbing up the shingle banks
As under a blanket
It moves beneath the
Mist and murk of early
Morning, long before the
Sun has risen aloft.

Martin Delemare
5th August 2006.
Two at Albert Docks

Strolls rounded fashion
Careless motion, easy
Stride, easy swing of
Arm. Dressed casual
Style, T-shirt and jeans
Trainers for comfort.

Totters in high heels
Golden ankle chain
Her dainty dress flared
At hips, precise swing
Her dyed white hair short
All effect; all show.

The perfect couple.

Martin Delemare
28th September 2006.
Abandoned Man

You stand beside the road
Staring blankly, straight at nothing.
Mouth hangs slackly open
Crag of face holds bold
Eyes separated by bulbous nose.

Legs bow out at knees
Hidden by baggy trousers
Grey as your desolate soul.
Wispy hair flies out of hat
Sagging over solid head.

Arms hang bent at side
Slip on shoes appear more
As slide off footwear to
Match your slip off life.

Martin Delemare
5th July 2006

Stick thin and full of sin
Power fade; power gone
Shaky reach for the gin.
Nasty streak lurks there still
No door will let you in.

Sex, charm you thought were fine
Puffy face now scorn worn
Reach shaking for the wine
Crawl from mess you made
No fight to spin a line.

Go now and in Hell rot.
Job in ruins; will all weak
Shake, reach now for the tot.
No help, you didn’t win.
Stick thin and full of gin.

Martin Delemare
20th September 2006
Rein in the Nerves

Two bold steps.
Two moves across.
Steps taken like
That every day.

But just stop
Just look at
The drop below
No normal step
No easy step.

Flake risen up
From the depths
Mud on ledge
Ladder across pit.

Now put aside
Your dark thought
Luxury of fear.
Put that away
Rein in the nerves.

All brain on
The action ahead.
All thought focus
On the move.

Deft steps over
Grab that ladder
Nerves reined in.

Martin Delemare
7th October 2006.

Friday, October 20, 2006


I was not there
At the end of the line.
I did not hear
The whistle of the train.
I did not see
Your tears of pure fear.
I did not witness
The lines of the walking.
I did not smell
The burning of the bodies.
For I …
I was not there
At the end of the line.

Martin Delemare
28th January 2005

Saturday, October 14, 2006

New Orleans

The ripples spread wide
Long before the flood
The world felt the waves
Of music pulsate outwards
Reaching religions and cultures
Far, far and so very wide.

Then high winds raged
Tore and tugged at the land
Rain lashed down from the heavens
The levies burst and in poured
Lakes of turgid water.
Rafts of broken flotsam
Turning to fetid putrefaction.

The water’s departed now
From the ruins and remains.
Where is our love and help
In return for music so fine?

Martin Delemare
18th January 2006

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Snow is in the air
Driven hard by biting wind
Swirls round the winter.


Crow sits on high branch
Caws out loud to make you hear
Strident winter’s voice.

Where are you?

Oh where are you now?
Where the warm dark nights with you?
Never to be seen again.

The Hollow

Hollow hoot of the night
Empty space between the trees
Hollow hoot draws you near.

Angel of the North

Angel of the North
Stand tall arms stretched out wide
Proud before red clouds.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Lock

Thump! Thump! Thump!
Engine slowly revs
To crescendo
Then dies to idle speed
Once more.

Slowly the gate
Pushes against the water
Which swirls
Around to form

Bows glide forward
To fill the lock.
Gate shuts.
Great clanking of pawl on cogs,

Watch that cill!
Bows nuzzle gates
That creak
And boat starts to drop

Dark sides encase;
The narrow boat descends.
Walls glisten
And pour forth water, slimy sides

More rapid clanking
Crashing paddles close.
Gates open.
Light and open water beckon boat to

Martin Delemare
12th June 2002
A Paddle on the Cut

Water ripples on the bridge
Light bars shimmer on the arch
Bow noses through
Boat obediently follows, a silent vessel.

Ahead, trees bow over the cut
Mist, floats aloft, burnt
By the fiery climbing orb
A moorhen calls from nearby rushes

Water runs down paddle shaft
And pours and drips on hull
Rays that sparkle on the surface.

Martin Delemare
17th February 2003

Monday, October 02, 2006


Industrialists increase the profit margin.
Factories and manufacturing plants
Blossom, sprouting towers and chimneys

Belching sulphur dioxide.

Scientists research long-term effects
Laboratories and conical flasks
Experiment, calculating data and graphs

Denying global damage.

Politicians debate developing countries
Continents and emerging nations
Negotiate, arranging deals and foreign aid

Selling military hardware.

Meteorologists expound by super map
Symbols and directional arrows
Pointing, explaining aerosols and thermal balance

Rationalising eternal drought

Children search the dried riverbed
Dust and desiccation cracks
Withhold, concealing bulbs and sustenance

Starving famined infants.

Martin Delemare
13th June 2002
Sun, Sea and Sand

Sun bakes the day
Sea salt cakes the body
Sand finds the crevices

Parasols shade the glare
Boats buoyant on the brine
Showers rinse the grime

Ice cool lager slakes
Paella calms the pangs
Books occupy the mind

Sun bakes the day
Sea salt cakes the body
Sand finds the crevices

Martin Delemare
23rd August 2004